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Geo 40 Series Geocoin ChanceRider's gift

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Mr Emu Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Victoria, Australia
Recently Spotted:
In #26 Great Southern Land : (1) Rock Concert

The owner hasn't set their collectible preference.

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Current Goal

To travel around Australia. I’d like to hear interesting stories or see photos related horses

About This Item

ChanceRider loves emus too!

This geocoin was a gift as part of a pathtag exchange with ChanceRider from the USA. The aim is to share this coin with as many geocachers as possible, and have a bit of fun!

Gallery Images related to ChanceRider's gift

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Tracking History (6712.4mi) View Map

Dropped Off 5/21/2011 fourmangoes placed it in #26 Great Southern Land : (1) Rock Concert New South Wales, Australia - 666.95 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/25/2011 fourmangoes retrieved it from Whyalla Airport Trackables Transit Lounge South Australia, Australia   Visit Log

picked up for a journey to the east.

Dropped Off 4/23/2011 schatzsuche1 placed it in Whyalla Airport Trackables Transit Lounge South Australia, Australia - .71 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/22/2011 schatzsuche1 retrieved it from Air Ambo South Australia, Australia   Visit Log

Moving along with us once again.

Dropped Off 4/22/2011 schatzsuche1 placed it in Air Ambo South Australia, Australia - 143.15 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 2/17/2011 schatzsuche1 grabbed it   Visit Log

Hi Mr Emu
My Dad (Allchin) found this coin in a cache of his while doing some maintenance (one of the Byways of Burnside in Linden Park).
He has given it to me to log as he didn't know what to do as you had listed it as missing.
It is safe with me.... would you like it placed in a cache to move on or send back to you??
Let me know

Mark Missing 12/11/2010 Mr Emu marked it as missing   Visit Log

The owner has set this Trackable as missing.

Retrieve It from a Cache 8/14/2010 thewhitedoggang retrieved it from Marion - The Kenton Avenue Waterhole South Australia, Australia   Visit Log

movin on

Dropped Off 8/14/2010 thewhitedoggang placed it in Marion - The Kenton Avenue Waterhole South Australia, Australia - 1.1 miles  Visit Log
Grab It (Not from a Cache) 8/14/2010 thewhitedoggang grabbed it   Visit Log

found this guy he looks lost

data on this page is cached for 3 mins