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Travel Bug Dog Tag Travel Bug Mequito Power

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touperdido Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, November 10, 2006
Recently Spotted:
In Portuguese Travel Bug Graveyard

The owner hasn't set their collectible preference.

Use TBZ0PC to reference this item.

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Current Goal

Viajar por locais onde se faça escalada (desportiva, bloco, clássica, buildering) ou por locais onde exista muita rocha.

About This Item

Vão-me tirando fotografias de vocês a "escalarem" comigo!

Gallery Images related to Travel Bug Mequito Power

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    Tracking History (137.2mi) View Map

    • 01-10 of 10 records ·
    • 01
    Discovered It 2/26/2023 NEW_FUN discovered it Lisboa, Portugal   Visit Log


    • ?? Bild aus der Geocaching®-App hochgeladen
    Discovered It 12/11/2022 Operation Monkeys discovered it Lisboa, Portugal   Visit Log


    Discovered It 11/12/2015 nrohcs discovered it   Visit Log

    nachlog! vielen dank fürs zeigen!!
    wo gesehen kann leider nicht mehr genau eruiert werden!

    Write note 2/12/2010 Bargao_Henriques posted a note for it   Visit Log

    A cache onde este "trackable" estava derradeiramente depositado foi arquivada por imposição da Groundspeak, visto defenderem que os “trackables” desaparecidos devem ser classificados como estando em “unknown location”.
    No entanto, uma vez que prefiro que os meus 9 “trackables” desaparecidos repousem numa cache (mesmo que esta também tenha “desaparecido”) do que fiquem a flutuar no éter, vou optar por mantê-los ali mesmo.
    Da mesma forma, continuarei a colocar lá todos os meus restantes “trackables” que forem desaparecendo.

    The cache where this "trackable" was resting was archived by the imposition of Groundspeak, due to his rule that the "missing trackables" should be classified as being in "unknown location".
    However, since I prefer to leave my missing trackables to rest in a (also “disappeared") cache, rather then floating on air, I choose to keep them there.
    In the future I’ll keep putting there all my other "trackables" that may disappear.

    Write note 2/12/2010 Bargao_Henriques posted a note for it   Visit Log

    [This is an automated message]
    A cache containing your trackable item has been archived. The trackable's last known location was the geocache GCREP7 ( ). You may be able to determine more about the cache and your trackable item’s status by reading the most recent logs on the cache page. If you cannot determine the current location of your trackable item, you should mark it ‘missing’ on its reference page.

    Dropped Off 7/26/2007 touperdido placed it in Portuguese Travel Bug Graveyard Lisboa, Portugal - 58.88 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 1/21/2007 touperdido retrieved it from Bloco do Hipopótamo - TP08 [T. Novas] Santarém, Portugal   Visit Log

    Dado que quem o levou nem sequer é registado no site geocaching... regressa à base...

    Dropped Off 1/16/2007 touperdido placed it in Bloco do Hipopótamo - TP08 [T. Novas] Santarém, Portugal - 78.21 miles  Visit Log
    Retrieve It from a Cache 11/13/2006 touperdido retrieved it from Escalada para o paraíso [S. Estrela] Castelo Branco, Portugal   Visit Log

    Afinal este ficou noutro lado

    Dropped Off 11/13/2006 touperdido placed it in Escalada para o paraíso [S. Estrela] Castelo Branco, Portugal   Visit Log
    data on this page is cached for 3 mins
    • 01-10 of 10 records ·
    • 01