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Travel Bug Dog Tag Four-leaf Clover

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VALIKEJE GROUP Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Trenčiansky kraj, Slovakia
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Unknown Location

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Mám rad prírodu a rád sa fotim v tráve.

I like the nature and I like to take the photographs in the grass.

About This Item

Four-leaf clover

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Tracking History (5243.9mi) View Map

Mark Missing 4/9/2017 Feuerkaefer marked it as missing   Visit Log

This is an automated message. This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner or site administrator. Trackables are marked missing when it is determined that they are no longer located in the cache they are listed in or in the hands of the current holder. Review the most recent logs on this Trackable to learn more information about its current state.

Write note 3/26/2017 Beegees57 posted a note for it   Visit Log

Nicht im Cache Am Rotbach gesehen.

Dropped Off 2/13/2017 Hilladidi placed it in Am Rotbach Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany - 136.3 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 2/5/2017 Hilladidi retrieved it from I ❤ Geocaching op Texel Noord-Holland, Netherlands   Visit Log

Let´s go to Germany.
Best greetings Hilladidi

Visited 1/27/2017 Hilladidi took it to De Schicht Noord-Holland, Netherlands - .68 miles  Visit Log
Dropped Off 1/22/2017 Antonie1972 placed it in I ❤ Geocaching op Texel Noord-Holland, Netherlands - 997.07 miles  Visit Log

Opgepikt op Ibiza, achtergelaten op Texel. Van eiland naar eiland.

Retrieve It from a Cache 1/15/2017 Antonie1972 retrieved it from MirAlSur1 Islas Baleares, Spain   Visit Log

Bringing him to the Netherlands. Try to bring him to Texel.

Dropped Off 10/26/2016 Raupe-KT placed it in MirAlSur1 Islas Baleares, Spain - .5 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/26/2016 Raupe-KT took it to figueretas Islas Baleares, Spain - 884.68 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/20/2016 Raupe-KT took it to Am falschen Ort? Steiermark, Austria - 16.74 miles  Visit Log
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