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Lackey Tag Bl4ckH4wkGERs Lackey Tag

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biotonne88 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Hessen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In The Cellar

This is not collectible.

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Current Goal

Der Lackey soll erst einmal die Welt sehen und zum 20 jährigen Geocaching Jubiläum, also 2022, in Seattle ankommen.

This Lackey want to visit the World before reaching Seattle in 2022 for the 20th anniversary of Geocaching.

About This Item

Ich habe Sven (Bl4ckH4wkGER) beim Giga in Hamburg 2019 kennengelernt und wir haben ausgemacht zusammen cachen zu gehen, wenn ich mal Seattle besuche. Dies ist zum 20 jährigen Geocaching Jubiläum, also 2022 geplant.

I met Sven (Bl4ckH4wkGER) at giga Hamburg 2019 and we decided to go for a geocache hunt when I visit Seattle. It is planned for 2022.

Tracking History (23172.2mi) View Map

Dropped Off 12/30/2023 Quadpin placed it in The Cellar Michigan - .81 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/30/2023 Quadpin took it to Spider Lair Michigan - 57.12 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/30/2023 Quadpin took it to Thompsons Harbor State Park: Coastal Fen along La Michigan - 1.17 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/30/2023 Quadpin took it to Mr. Obvious Michigan - 36.16 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/30/2023 Quadpin took it to Cemeteries are Whericache! Michigan - 1.28 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/30/2023 Quadpin took it to Elk Stop Michigan - 36.04 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/30/2023 Quadpin took it to Another Multi in the neighborhood. Michigan - 20.63 miles  Visit Log
Discovered It 12/30/2023 Hawk Woods discovered it   Visit Log

Discovered in the hans of Quadpin.

Visited 12/30/2023 Quadpin took it to Lafarge Quarry Concretions Michigan - 15.06 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/29/2023 Quadpin took it to ORBGT 30: Rifle Creek Archery Park Michigan - 1.9 miles  Visit Log
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