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Travel Bug Origins Tag Meine Heimat DDR

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bornkinnl Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Sachsen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In Tajemstvi pana ucitele

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Current Goal

Bringt mich zu schönen Überbleibseln aus DDR-Zeiten und gern würde ich ganz Ost-Europa bereisen! Fotos sind willkommen! smiley

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Gallery Images related to Meine Heimat DDR

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    Tracking History (33631.2mi) View Map

    Discovered It 9/21/2024 puczmeloun discovered it Moravskoslezský kraj, Czechia   Visit Log

    Nice one, thanks. :)

    Dropped Off 8/10/2024 put_out placed it in Tajemstvi pana ucitele Moravskoslezský kraj, Czechia   Visit Log
    Visited 8/10/2024 put_out took it to Tajemstvi pana ucitele Moravskoslezský kraj, Czechia - 71.65 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/8/2024 put_out took it to Poklad pod Santonem Jihomoravský kraj, Czechia - .1 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/8/2024 put_out took it to Kopec Santon Jihomoravský kraj, Czechia - 55.94 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/8/2024 put_out took it to Pamatnik D1 / D1 memorial Kraj Vysočina, Czechia - 55.8 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 8/6/2024 put_out took it to On the Route Jihomoravský kraj, Czechia - 66.73 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/11/2024 put_out took it to Rybník Paseky Moravskoslezský kraj, Czechia - 110.72 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/11/2024 put_out took it to Bílov výhled na Beskydy Moravskoslezský kraj, Czechia - 110.56 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 6/29/2024 put_out took it to Pramenisko Prešovský kraj, Slovakia - 6.21 miles  Visit Log
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