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Travel Bug Dog Tag Student´s TB

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martas0707 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Friday, May 3, 2019
Jihočeský kraj, Czechia
Recently Spotted:
In Jolle Sein Milljöh (Spandauer Vorstadt Berlin)

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Current Goal

Místa, kam se chci podívat: Hamburg, Stockholm, Oslo, Moskva a do Chorvatska k moři

I want to look to these places: Hamburg, Stockholm, Oslo, Moscow and to seaside in Croatia


About This Item

martas0707, Davidas21, Ondras_CZ

Owneři jsou studenty gymnázia a věci na TB je charakterizují. Lékařský had charakterizuje Martina, protože chce být lékařem. Jan Amos Komenský charakterizuje všechny kvůli jejich studiu.

Owners are students of grammar school and things on TB specificate them. Medical snake specificates Martin because he wants to be a doctor. Jan Amos Komensky specificates all of them because they are ethusiastic about studying.

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    Tracking History (13986.9mi) View Map

    Dropped Off 12/24/2024 TheFraychen placed it in Jolle Sein Milljöh (Spandauer Vorstadt Berlin) Berlin, Germany - 178.67 miles  Visit Log

    Gute Weiterreise.

    Visited 11/10/2024 TheFraychen took it to Ross Tea Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 1.82 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/9/2024 TheFraychen took it to Limbo's Wetterstation / TB Hotel Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 15.3 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/9/2024 TheFraychen took it to Cache mit Parkplatz Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 4.14 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/9/2024 TheFraychen took it to NMS-Süd Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - .17 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/9/2024 TheFraychen took it to Waldrunde 7 Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 1.89 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/9/2024 TheFraychen took it to Limbo's Graf Zahl Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 1.73 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/9/2024 TheFraychen took it to Der Murmel-Cache Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 4.54 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/9/2024 TheFraychen took it to Stoverweg 38 Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 4.49 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 11/9/2024 TheFraychen took it to Limbo's Fingerakrobatik Schleswig-Holstein, Germany - 53.52 miles  Visit Log
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