TB7W4FX [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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Use TB7W4FX to reference this item.
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To travel with it's owner to events and help promote the UK Mega Devon 2017 across the world.
This is my name badge as a committee member of the Devon UK Mega 2017 to be held at Bicton College on 5th August 2017.
Dropped at mega
Discovered it at West Midlands UK Mega 2022.
Discovered it at WEst Midlands UK Mega 2022.
Met and Discovered at the WM Mega. Happy Caching :)
seen during the Aberdeenshire UK Mega 2019 - thx4sharing - jufi*
Discovered this tb during the Aberdeenshire Mega day. Many thanks for sharing
Seen this trackable on your badge today at the Aberdeenshire Mega. Nice to meet another Martin.
Happy geocaching!
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