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Travel Bug Dog Tag This bites...

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WayfarerNomad Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Sunday, October 8, 2023
South Dakota, United States
Recently Spotted:
In GC12 5/12/2000

This is not collectible.

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Current Goal

My mission is simple,


My mission is plain.


Nothing too drastic,


If it's all the same.


I ask for your sight,


I'm not begging for much.


Just a photo of us,


I want to feel free.


Just a photo of good scenery, 


Well... I mean, that and of course you and me.

About This Item

This bites...

The trackable tag is connected to a large "Dire wolf tooth" pendant with a wolf head on top of the tooth. 

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Tracking History (6842.7mi) View Map

Dropped Off 10/26/2024 MuddyBuddy82 placed it in GC12 5/12/2000 Oregon - 44.63 miles  Visit Log

Have fun on your trip! Thanks for going along on my Jasmer adventure.

Visited 10/25/2024 MuddyBuddy82 took it to Just a Bit Further Off the Trail Washington - 24.48 miles  Visit Log

On way to an oldie

Retrieve It from a Cache 10/21/2024 MuddyBuddy82 retrieved it from Big Lava Bed Washington   Visit Log

Found while on the hunt for Jasmer caches

Dropped Off 9/15/2024 TheMissy placed it in Big Lava Bed Washington - 2.3 miles  Visit Log

Found this really cool cache hidden in 2001 in some lava beds and thought it deserved a trackable. Safe travels!

Visited 9/15/2024 TheMissy took it to Red Mountain Lookout Washington - 45.6 miles  Visit Log

Starting a WA state lookout tower challenge. First stop was lonely but the second was found in no time and the view was quite stunning… 360 views of Columbia River, green mountains and Mt. Adams.

Visited 9/15/2024 TheMissy took it to VACATION CABIN Washington - 546.21 miles  Visit Log

Back home in Washington state and soccer season has resumed! Picked up this cache in the park.

Visited 9/4/2024 TheMissy took it to Lombard Street California - 15.4 miles  Visit Log

Rode down the crookedest street on earth!

Visited 8/31/2024 TheMissy took it to Pedro Summit California - 4.31 miles  Visit Log

San Pedro point

Retrieve It from a Cache 8/30/2024 TheMissy retrieved it from Toucan Yam California   Visit Log

Hello! We’ve made it back to California! Whew! Visiting from Washington State. What a summer of fun travel this has been. Took in a beer at the only Taco Bell that serves alcohol while we watched some whales and surfers. Found this hide and decided to stop and pick you up.

Dropped Off 7/25/2024 geocomb placed it in Toucan Yam California - 9.71 miles  Visit Log

Placed in a cache in San Bruno, California

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