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Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Butterfly Tag Acachingcat's Traveling Green Monster Truck

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acachingcat Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, December 22, 2014
Florida, United States
Recently Spotted:
In Slenteren

This is not collectible.

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Current Goal

To crush it's way from cache to cache and see the world!

About This Item

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Gallery Images related to Acachingcat's Traveling Green Monster Truck

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Tracking History (63576mi) View Map

Discovered It 1/15/2025 demek discovered it Liège, Belgium   Visit Log

Discovered with permission of the owner. Thanks for sharing!

Discovered It 9/7/2024 Lucky'7 discovered it Liège, Belgium   Visit Log

In the past two weeks I've seen your TB in a cache, in someone's hands, in a log, in the field or on the road.

Thanks for sharing & Happy caching!

Discovered It 9/7/2024 MisterT. discovered it Liège, Belgium   Visit Log

Seen during the month of September. Thanks for sharing & Happy caching!

Discovered It 9/7/2024 Theodd1 discovered it Liège, Belgium   Visit Log

Thank you for sharing this amazing TB collection! Greetings from The Netherlands.

Discovered It 8/10/2024 Pixie1 discovered it Liège, Belgium   Visit Log

Seen in 'Slenteren'

Discovered It 5/3/2024 ilsonannie discovered it Liège, Belgium   Visit Log

Discovered thanks for sharing your wonderful Trackable 😊

Discovered It 5/3/2024 godders49 discovered it Liège, Belgium   Visit Log

Discovered thanks for sharing your lovely Trackable 🙂

Discovered It 1/2/2024 CRVonFange discovered it Liège, Belgium   Visit Log

Thanks to the 2023 Christmas Day blizzard my daughter, JMVonFange, was delayed in heading home so we spent the bonus time together comparing our caching statistics including trackables discovered and looking through our geocaching pictures. JM has discovered significantly more trackables that I have mainly because while we were staying home during the pandemic she spent time online and spotted numerous TBs that were being shared virtually. After looking at the TB page for each TB that she discovered that I didn't, I found that a number of TB Codes necessary to discover the trackable were included on the TB Page itself or intentionally or as a spoiler in the photo gallery. Sometimes there was an attempt to obsure or hide the TB Code that was not entirely successful making it fairly easy to determine the TB Code needed to discover the travel bug. I hope that even though virtual discoveries are becoming less common, you will not delete my discovered log. I only have two trackables that are activated at this time but will gladly share the codes with you via the geocaching message center if you are interested in discovering them.

Dropped Off 12/10/2023 Papajul placed it in Slenteren Liège, Belgium - 1.23 miles  Visit Log
Visited 12/7/2023 Papajul took it to Klenkes 2005 - Um die Eyneburg Liège, Belgium - 2.42 miles  Visit Log
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