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Travel Bug Dog Tag Tau the Wolf

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In Brainstorm

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Current Goal

So viel wie möglich herumreisen! Vielleicht in ein anderes Land, oder sogar auf einen anderen Kontinent. Danke an alle, die das Wölfchen bisher mitgenommen haben!

Travel around as much as possible! Maybe to a different country, or even a different continent. Thank you for travelling with my little wolf!



About This Item


Dies ist Tau, ein kleiner Wolf auf ihrer ersten großen Reise.

This is Tau, a tiny wolf on her first big journey.


Places she has been yet:

  • Germany
  • Cuba
  • UK
  • Italy
  • Hungary
  • Czech Republic
  • Luxembourg
  • Belgium
  • Denmark

Gallery Images related to Tau the Wolf

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Tracking History (51799.5mi) View Map

Dropped Off 10/14/2023 Trekks placed it in Brainstorm Oregon - 124.31 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/13/2023 Trekks took it to You Take the Low Road Oregon - 5,097.55 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/7/2023 Trekks took it to Suomenlinna Stalactites Uusimaa, Finland - .3 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 10/5/2023 Trekks retrieved it from Suokin kirkko Uusimaa, Finland   Visit Log

Picked this one up and will take it along

Dropped Off 9/28/2023 FamilienBolin placed it in Suokin kirkko Uusimaa, Finland - 597.09 miles  Visit Log

Found in Kalundborg, Denmark.
Let him travel! :)

Retrieve It from a Cache 10/21/2022 FamilienBolin retrieved it from Alonga Burger på tur Region Sjælland, Denmark   Visit Log

Japan this summer :) thx for tau the wolf

Dropped Off 8/16/2022 MoroOS placed it in Alonga Burger på tur Region Sjælland, Denmark - 282.86 miles  Visit Log

Sorry, kleiner Wolf! Du kommst jetzt endlich wieder frei. Gute Reise!

Retrieve It from a Cache 4/27/2020 MoroOS retrieved it from Isla de la Munecas Niedersachsen, Germany   Visit Log

Habe den kleinen verängstigten Wolf von diesem unheimlichen Ort befreit, um ihn in die Freiheit zu entlassen.

Discovered It 4/25/2020 CacheOmanic discovered it Niedersachsen, Germany   Visit Log

Gute Reise

Dropped Off 4/18/2020 TeamEmmaSHSFL placed it in Isla de la Munecas Niedersachsen, Germany - 14.76 miles  Visit Log

Gute Weiterreise Tau

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