I'm a Doggy!
Hey there, your receiving this log because I sniffed out your geocaching trackable at the Dayboro 2021 Mega, I know by now you've received lots of discovery logs and lots of them will be generic discovered at blah blah blah. I find this ultimately disappointing. So let me tell you about my Story, I'm Zelda and I'm the Woofy Wanderer for WallabyTim of the WallabyWanderers. You will have already discovered a log from them so hopefully this will cheer you up. WallabyTim and I are a team, you see, I'm his famous and most favourite doggo in the world as I'm his Assistance Dog, I go everywhere with him which included a Mega event, now i'm not a regular assistance dog, I'm a psychiatric assistance dog so because of me being with him, he was able to go to a mega event feeling safe and we were able to discover your trackable which is really awesome! and since you put out your awesome trackable for us to discover I'm going to share my own trackable with you! My TB Number is gs2172 Feel free to discover me and if you have a geocaching doggo i'd love to hear stories of your adventures and even a photo. I hope you have a fantastic week and find some geocaches!
Take care and lots of love and licks and pats to your doggo friends
Zelda the Woofy Wanderer!