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Mardi Gras Masquerade Geocoin

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Pallefj86 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Monday, December 30, 2013
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Reach Doug Macrae (Geoname: RetiredGuy ) In Weston, MA United States.

About This Item


This Venetian Mask is the Halloween edition and parts of the mask glow! There are quite a few different versions of this Geocoin and each one is very beautiful.

Venetian masks are a centuries-old tradition of Venice, Italy. The masks are typically worn during the Carnevale (Carnival of Venice). They are characterized by their ornate design, featuring bright colors such as gold or silver, and the use of complex decorations in the baroque style.

Gallery Images related to Mardi Gras Masquerade Geocoin

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Tracking History (6895.6mi) View Map

Dropped Off 7/7/2022 Shadow Medic placed it in The Range Massachusetts - 1,188.87 miles  Visit Log
Visited 3/28/2022 Shadow Medic took it to Busman's Holiday New York - 1,016.1 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 2/22/2022 Shadow Medic retrieved it from Glass of Beer-2/22/22 is on 2sday! Minnesota   Visit Log

Grabbed to pass along to Massachusetts later this spring.

Dropped Off 2/22/2022 AlexShadowblaze placed it in Glass of Beer-2/22/22 is on 2sday! Minnesota - 6.02 miles  Visit Log

Dropping this in the event I went to where another other traveling cacher took it from me-I didn’t get his caching name-but dropping here so he can grab it!

Discovered It 2/22/2022 rosebud55112 discovered it   Visit Log

I got to take a peek at this one at the 2/22/22 event in Minneapolis on Tuesday night. Thanks for sharing!

Visited 2/22/2022 AlexShadowblaze took it to Glass of Beer-2/22/22 is on 2sday! Minnesota - 8.57 miles  Visit Log

Visiting this 2uesday event tonight with the muggle wife and geopups! I asked the entire room if anyone would be traveling to MA soon and a fellow cacher raised his hand. He grabbed it from me-should be logging the grab soon. Wanted to get the visit logged though!

  • Visiting this 2uesday event tonight with the muggle wife and geopups! I asked the entire room if anyone would be traveling to MA soon and a fellow cacher raised his hand. He grabbed it from me-should be logging the grab soon. Wanted to get the visit logged though! Log image uploaded from Geocaching® app
Visited 2/22/2022 AlexShadowblaze took it to SP Challenge Series #48: 20 Forks & Knives Minnesota - 7.1 miles  Visit Log

2uesday visit on the way to an event!

Visited 2/15/2022 AlexShadowblaze took it to Where The Wilder Things Are Minnesota - 6.99 miles  Visit Log

Logging this as a visit at the cache I picked it up from today!

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 2/15/2022 AlexShadowblaze grabbed it   Visit Log

Holy smokes! It looks like this trackable has been missing for YEARS! I just found it in a cache in MN it was not marked as being in along with a bunch of other trackables. I did retrieve this from the cache and will get it moving again-I’ll send it further East to where it’s trying to go! Beautiful coin too!

Mark Missing 4/10/2015 King Boreas marked it as missing   Visit Log

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