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Save Our Playing Field Geocoin 2011

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Tiptoe8 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In Estação de Ribeiradio

This is not collectible.

Use TB4FC94 to reference this item.

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Hier findet ein Rennen statt. Diese Coin tritt gegen die Safe Our Playing Field Geocoin von JayeM8 an. Beide werden in unserem Urlaub gemeinsam auf die Reise geschickt.  Auf ihrer Reise sollen sie ausschließlich Caches in der Natur (im Wald, an einem See, in den Bergen) besuchen. Diejenige, die zuerst wieder zurück in Baden-Württemberg in einen Cache nahe Kuppenheim ist, hat gewonnen. Und der Verlierer muss für den Gewinner einen Baum pflanzen.

This is a race. This coin completes against the Safe Our Playing Field Geocoin of JayeM8. During our holiday both will be sent together to the trip. On their Trip they are supposed to visit only caches in nature (in the forrest, near a lake or in the mountains). The one will win, which arrives first back here in Baden-Württemberg - Germany in a cache near Kuppenheim. And the looser has to plant out a tree for the winner. 

About This Item

Let`s safe nature

Variante in goldener Farbe.

Variant in golden color.

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Tracking History (14162.6mi) View Map

Discovered It 11/3/2016 matroos discovered it   Visit Log

Seen with a friend, on a event or in a geocache

thank you for sharing


Dropped Off 3/28/2016 JoaoFCMelo placed it in Estação de Ribeiradio Viseu, Portugal - 14.33 miles  Visit Log

Boa Viagem

Visited 3/5/2016 JoaoFCMelo took it to O NINHO DA CEGONHA TRACKABLES HOTEL Aveiro, Portugal - .92 miles  Visit Log


Visited 9/20/2015 JoaoFCMelo took it to .: We are all One :. Aveiro, Portugal - 2.66 miles  Visit Log

Visitou .: We are all One :. (GC5P48B)

Discovered It 9/11/2015 Team Ribeiro discovered it   Visit Log

TB's de Aveiro

Visited 9/5/2015 JoaoFCMelo took it to Hotel do Gerês Aveiro, Portugal - 5.5 miles  Visit Log

Visitou Hotel do Gerês (GC5N65D)

Grab It (Not from a Cache) 9/5/2015 JoaoFCMelo grabbed it   Visit Log

Vai passear!! Estava nas mãos dos Forretas!! :)

Discovered It 8/22/2015 neiaeadry discovered it   Visit Log

Visto no love love Aveiro

Obrigado pela partilha

Discovered It 8/22/2015 pcostaphotography discovered it   Visit Log

Thanks for sharing TB's !

Discovered It 8/22/2015 neiaeadry discovered it   Visit Log

visto no love love

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