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Travel Pirate Geocoin

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Niedersachsen, Germany
Recently Spotted:
In Erliorts High Arber Cache

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Ich freue mich auf die Rückreise in die Heimat zu "N" wie Chemie?" GC4PBDX...ganz lieben Dank <img data-cke-saved-src=
Please bring him back to his homzone and lay him down in "N" wie Chemie?" GC4PBDX....i'll thank you very much B-)

About This Item

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn der "Pirat" einmal seine Heimat (Karibik) sehen darf und möglichst viel Wasser zu sehen bekommt!

I would be happy if the "pirat" one may see his home and see as much water gets!

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    Tracking History (20823.3mi) View Map

    Write note 10/30/2016 dopsi5 posted a note for it   Visit Log

    Diese Coin habe ich nicht in dieser Dose gesehen, sonst hätte ich sie mitgenommen.

    Dropped Off 7/12/2014 Xocoatl placed it in Erliorts High Arber Cache Bayern, Germany - 51.21 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/2/2014 Xocoatl took it to Schwarze Laber 2 - Carbridge Bayern, Germany - 112.18 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 7/2/2014 Xocoatl took it to S5- Oben oder unten davor oder dahinter ? Bayern, Germany - 112.21 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 6/29/2014 Xocoatl took it to Kufengaudi Bayern, Germany - .15 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 6/29/2014 Xocoatl took it to Casa Carioca Bayern, Germany - 7.02 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 6/29/2014 Xocoatl took it to Zugspitze (2962 m) - Top of Germany Bayern, Germany - 121.83 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 6/24/2014 Xocoatl took it to Donaunorden Bayern, Germany - 2.07 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 6/24/2014 Xocoatl took it to Naaberholung Bayern, Germany - 5.53 miles  Visit Log
    Visited 6/19/2014 Xocoatl took it to Nach Donaustauf -2- Bayern, Germany - 1.09 miles  Visit Log
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