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Travel Ingot Geocoin Travel Ingot Ski Medal Geocoin

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Current Goal

To visit as many crosscountrystadions as possible. As Falun, Otepaeae,  Holmenkollen, Düsseldorf, Vancouver and so on.

About This Item


This is one of my first medals as a crosscountryskier, in a little competition in a villige named Dombäcksmark. Let this medal see a little bigger stadions then this little in Dombäcksmark.

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Tracking History (59363.8mi) View Map

Dropped Off 10/7/2022 Miep Gasklep placed it in BRUGSE BEER X West-Vlaanderen, Belgium - 29.82 miles  Visit Log
Visited 10/7/2022 Miep Gasklep took it to Tb *Hotel Bagijnhof* Zeeland, Netherlands - 565.08 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/16/2022 Miep Gasklep took it to Le palais de Monaco Monaco - 547.46 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/7/2022 Miep Gasklep took it to Nr. 900, de Beuk erin. Noord-Brabant, Netherlands - 5.21 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/7/2022 Miep Gasklep took it to #3 Schrikkeljaar 2020 Noord-Brabant, Netherlands - 1.02 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/7/2022 Miep Gasklep took it to PGE - Grenspaal 2.0 Noord-Brabant, Netherlands - .36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/7/2022 Miep Gasklep took it to De Rijdende Gans 3 Antwerpen, Belgium - .52 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/7/2022 Miep Gasklep took it to SMDE Event : t'Loze Vissertje Antwerpen, Belgium - 2.36 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/7/2022 Miep Gasklep took it to #127 [OzndE] "Ei van Columbus" Noord-Brabant, Netherlands - 3.59 miles  Visit Log
Visited 9/7/2022 Miep Gasklep took it to Q-cache "Zicht op de Blaffert" Noord-Brabant, Netherlands - .46 miles  Visit Log
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