The Travel Lizard Lipi
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
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In Alanya Holiday
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(En:) Hi, my name is Lipi, with my three mates we triumph over each other who visited more beautiful places of the world.Our wish is to meet each other at least once in our lives.Would you help as? :-)
(Cz:) Ahojky jmenuji se Lili, jsme ctyri kamarádi a závodíme spolu kdo z nás navštíví nejvíc krásných míst naší zeme. Naším práním také je se alespon ješte jednou za svuj život potkat.Pomužete nám? :-)
Please photograph me with something that will remind me of the place I visited together with some nice animal before you place me in my next cache!
My friends are
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