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Around the World in 80 Caches Geocoin Karools travels Around the World in 80 Caches

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karools123 Send Message to Owner Message this owner
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
United Arab Emirates
Recently Spotted:
In Styrcza

The owner hasn't set their collectible preference.

Use TB1ZC0J to reference this item.

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Current Goal

The cache represents a memorable balloon ride for me. The mission of the coin is to gather memories while traveling around the world.

Please add a desription of the cache event while retreiving the coin form a cache. Who you went with, something you remember while going to the cache hiding place, things like that.

About This Item

No additional details available.

Tracking History (3057.4mi) View Map

  • 01-10 of 10 records ·
  • 01
Write note 2/25/2010 TrainTour Reviewer posted a note for it   Visit Log

[This is an automated message]
A cache containing your trackable item has been archived. The trackable's last known location was the geocache GC1KV6M ( ). You may be able to determine more about the cache and your trackable item’s status by reading the most recent logs on the cache page. If you cannot determine the current location of your trackable item, you should mark it ‘missing’ on its reference page.

Dropped Off 8/21/2008 aronek. placed it in Styrcza Moldova - 2,175.06 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 7/20/2008 aronek. retrieved it from Taras Widokowy Mazowieckie, Poland   Visit Log

It is going to Moldova

Dropped Off 7/18/2008 shchenka placed it in Taras Widokowy Mazowieckie, Poland - 5.37 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 7/11/2008 shchenka retrieved it from Head Office of Transatlantic Radio Telegraph Mazowieckie, Poland   Visit Log

no comments

Dropped Off 5/15/2008 Melakreps placed it in Head Office of Transatlantic Radio Telegraph Mazowieckie, Poland - 2,592.13 miles  Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 4/27/2008 Melakreps retrieved it from A View of the Burj Al Arab United Arab Emirates   Visit Log

It is in Poland now. Let me find good place for it. Best Regards!

Dropped Off 4/7/2008 US-A-RABIA placed it in A View of the Burj Al Arab United Arab Emirates - 16.6 miles  Visit Log
Dropped Off 3/28/2008 karools123 placed it in Mushrif Fireflies United Arab Emirates   Visit Log
Retrieve It from a Cache 3/27/2008 US-A-RABIA retrieved it from Mushrif Fireflies United Arab Emirates   Visit Log

Grabbed this at my first night cache!! Will move it along shortly.

data on this page is cached for 3 mins
  • 01-10 of 10 records ·
  • 01