TB11E0T [Coordinate Address Link] ▼
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Ooscar wants to travel all kitchens of the world and learn a lot of different receipes!
Ooscar is an intelligent moose and loves to cook! Please share your favorite recipes with him and us, so that Ooscar can finally find the best food on earth!
Gallery Images related to Ooscar, the cooking moose OoscarView All 14 Gallery Images
Není v keši Zanikla zeleznice/canceled railway. / It´s not placed in Zanikla zeleznice/canceled railway cache.
Odloveno, brzo ho nekam dám
13:12 Nalezen dnes v kesi " GC1X1K6 - Kostel sv.Vaclava ". Tak ho vezmeme na dalsi cestu ...
Koukam, ze lidi, kteri nevi, jak zachazet s TB je cim dal tim vic ...
TB was not found in Stanice Dharma-Tempest. :(
cute TB, thank you :-)
Very nice TB. I will take it to Czech rep.
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