10 August 2024, 12:00 - 18:00
2024 on kultuuririkkuse aasta. Seoses sellega paluti meil vallas Geopeituse mängu ilmarahvale tutvustada. Tulge aidake teie ka oma kogemuse ning lugudega päeva sisustada. Ligi saab jala, ühistranspordiga, rattaga ning autoga.
Lisatud lingilt vaata mis veel lähiümbruses toimub.
2024 is the year of cultural richness. In connection with this, we were asked to introduce the Geopeitus game to the public in the municipality. Come and help decorate the day with your experience and stories. It can be reached on foot, by public transport, by bike and by car.
See what else is happening in the vicinity from the attached link.