[EST] SP ehk "Sindi pargid" seeria viib geohoolikud Tori valla keskuslinna, kus ühtedel andmetel on 23, teistel 25 ja kolmandatel 32 parki. Neist kaks, Kiriku ja ja Sõpruse park on looduskaitse all. Ametlikult laiuvad siinsed pargid kokku 47 hektaril. Haljasalade rajamist alustati Sindis juba 1834. aastal, kui pärast kalevivabriku valmimist asus siia elama mitmeid välismaiseid spetsialiste, sealhulgas aednik.
Sindi linn piirneb idas ja kagus Kõrsa raba ning lõunas Lanksaare rabaga. Rabaääre metsapargi asukoht on oma nime vääriline, Lanksaare raba ja Sindi vahele see just jääbki. Korilastele annab see hea võimaluse metsaande kollektsioneerida - sügisel leiab sealt nii mõnegi seene, rabast aga kuremarju. Kokku on linnas neli metsaparki.
[ENG] The SP or "Sindi Parks" series will take geoholics to the central town of the municipality of Tori, where some say there are 23 parks, others 25, and still others 32. Two of them, Kiriku and Sõpruse parks, are under nature protection. Officially, Sindi's parks cover a total of 47 hectares.
The establishment of green areas in Sindi began as early as 1834, when several foreign specialists, including a gardener, settled here after the completion of the broadcloth factory.
The town of Sindi is bordered by the Kõrsa marsh to the east and south-east and the Lanksaare marsh to the south. The location of the Rabaääre forest park is worthy of its name, as it lies between the Lanksaare marsh and Sindi. It is a good place for picking forest gifts - in the autumn you can find mushrooms there, and in the marsh you can find cranberries. In total, there are four forest parks in the city.