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SP 1: Tiigi Traditional Cache

Hidden : 1/5/2023
1.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

[EST]  SP ehk "Sindi pargid" seeria viib geohoolikud Tori valla keskuslinna, kus ühtedel andmetel on 23, teistel 25 ja kolmandatel 32 parki. Neist kaks, Kiriku ja ja Sõpruse park on looduskaitse all. Ametlikult laiuvad Sindi pargid kokku 47 hektaril.

Tiigi pargis asus varem ronimissein, kes ja kunas seal ronis, pole teada, aga praeguseks on sein sealt haihtunud. Veesilmas aga võib aegajalt kohata veelinde.

Juba vanad eestlased (Pulli asula on Sindist kiviheite kaugusel) teadsid, et otsige aardeid looduslike ja inimtekkeliste objektide seast, otsige maa alt ja maa pealt. Kui leiate, siis ehk jumal annab teile andeks, et te kõik olete joodikud, vargad, liiderdajad, laiskvorstid, taignapead!

NB! 13.06.23: Kuna aare tikkus ujuma, siis kolisin ta kuivale maale. Pane korraliku maskeeringuga tagasi.

[ENG]  The SP or "Sindi Parks" series will take geoholics to the central town of the municipality of Tori, where some say there are 23 parks, others 25 and still others 32. Two of them, Kiriku and Sõpruse parks, are under nature protection. Officially, Sindi's parks cover a total of 47 hectares.

There used to be a climbing wall in Tiigi Park, but it is not known who climbed there and when, but the wall has now disappeared. However, waterbirds can occasionally be spotted in the water.

Even the old Estonians (the settlement of Pulli is just a stone's throw from Sindi) knew to look for caches among natural and man-made objects, to search under the ground and on the ground. If you find it, perhaps God will forgive you for being drunkards, thieves, wantons, lazy bourgeois, dough-heads! (Citation from Estonian cult film The Last Relic)

Update 13.06.23: Cache was moved to the dry land. Put the disguise correctly back!

Additional Hints (No hints available.)