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Kurgla kurg #11 Traditional Cache

Hidden : 4/5/2020
1.5 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

[EST] Ümber Kurgla tiikide kulgeva matkarada kogupikkusega 4 kilomeetrit, asub Aruküla lähedal Kurglas sada aastat tagasi loodud turbatööstuse alal. Matkaja jaoks on ka stendid seal elavate-kasvavate põhiliste liikide tutvustusega. Raja äärde jäävad kunagisest turbakaevandamisest tekkinud kanalid, mida eraldavad seljandikud, mis tekkisid turba pealt kooritud taimede ladustamisest. Rada hooldab MTÜ Raasiku Rajad.

Matkarada on nii kevadel, kui sügisel, mil me seal käinud oleme, suhteliselt mudane. Tark oleks jalga panna kummikud. Kobraste elutegevuse jälgi näeb igal pool ning tasub ka jalge ette vaadata, et mitte auku kukkuda.

Mõnusat matkamist!

[ENG] The hiking trail with a total length of 4 kilometres around the Kurgla ponds is located near Aruküla in the area of the peat industry established in Kurgla a hundred years ago. For the hiker, there are also stands with an introduction to the main species living and growing there. The trail is surrounded by canals from former peat mining, separated by ridges from the storage of peeled peat plants. The trail is maintained by MTÜ Raasiku Rajad.

The hiking trail is relatively muddy in both spring and autumn when we have been there. It would be wise to put on rubber boots. Traces of beavers' activities can be seen everywhere, and it is also worth looking at your feet so you will not fall into a hole.

Have a nice hike!

Additional Hints (No hints available.)