Iloni Imedemaa. Kõikidele mingil eluperioodil lemmikuks olnud tegelased Astrid Lindgreni loomingust , kellele on kuju andnud Ilon Wikland. Siin asub tema elu ja tegevust tutvustav Iloni Imedemaa , kus vähemalt lastel jagub tegevust kogu päevaks. Ja vanematel on ka huvitav :)
Ilon Wikland veetis oma lapsepõlve vanavanemate juures Haapsalus
Ilon's wonderland. I think to maybe most of us on some period in life - the favourite heroes were from Astrid Lindgren books and those characters were created on paper by Ilon Wikland. Here You can find a place where her life and works are exposed and as a bonus there is a playground for children - also adults can have some interesting time in this house.
Ilon Wikland's childhood was spent in Haapsalu with her grandparents