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M like MMMMaxim's / M nagu MMMMaxim's Mystery Cache

Hidden : 5/20/2010
3.5 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

At zero coordinates there's no cache, instead there's a big zero. Look for a another round of bushes at distance of 212 meters, where there are another three round circles inside. It's good to use Estonian Land Board ortomap for that -,6588991&setlegend=UUKAT1_82=0,UUKAT1L_82=0 When You've looked a round long enough there, go to the car gate of the institution and grab a cache from the black circle in the middle.

The cache was originally in Maxim's chocolate box (since 24th September 2011 not any more), but You'll still get the name in cache's neighbourhood what considers letters M. Additional hint, if needed, is written in the log book of the cache "L nagu Lärmakas Lassie" hopefully at 21st of May 2010.

May I remind you that there is NO need to dig or ruin the nature in any way! And when you notice garbage, please take it to the nearest bin. There's plenty of them around. Thank you!

Have a playful time there!


[EST] M nagu MMMMaxim's on kolmeteistkümnes aare kasutaja Trine algatatud nn. alfabeediseeriast.

Nullis on suur ümmargune null. Vaata üht teist, põõsastest ringi 212 meetri kaugusel, mille sees on veel kolm ringi. Mõistlik on ringi vaadata MMMMaa-ametist. Kui oled seda ringi küllalt vaadanud, mine selle asutuse autovärava juurde ja nopi aare keskmise musta ringi seest.

Esialgne konteiner oli Maxim's šokolaadikarp, sellest ka aarde M-idest ülejääv nimi. Lisavihje leiad vajadusel aarde L nagu Lärmakas Lassie logiraamatust.

Pea meeles, et sina ei pea mitte kaevama, tuhnima, mätast ega sammalt kergitama või vähimalgi viisil loodust kahjustama! Vedelevat prügi märgates vii see palun prügikasti. Neid seal jagub. Aitäh!

MMMMõnusat MMMMängulusti!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

[ENG] Zntarg vafvqr gur oynpx pvepyr va gur zvqqyr. [ENG] Zntargvtn xrfxzvfr zhfgn evatv frrf.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)