Vackrast i landet Traditional Cache
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Easy drive-in-cache in Sweden's most beautiful village.

Klövsjö is known as "Sweden's most beautiful village" after a vote in a magazine for quite a few years ago.
Klövsjö has several active summer-farms with cheese, whey cheese (messmör) and goat cheese (getost) production using traditional methods and old recipes.
In Klövsjö and Klövsjö Mountains lies Klövsjö / Storhogna ski resort included in Vemdalens ski-lift system.
The cache is located at the main road but it is recommended to turn and get a tour of the Church and continue towards the west side of the village.

Additional Hints
Abgr: gurer ner gjb cbffvoyr uvqvat cynprf ohg bayl bar vf pbeerpg