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Jagermeister birthday Multi-Cache

Hidden : 3/13/2009
4.5 out of 5
3.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Aare on peidetud sünnipäevakingiks Jäägermeistrile. Aarde leidmiseks on hädavajalikud vihjed. Cache hidden for birthday gift. For finding You need hint(s)

Elekter on hirmuz ohtlik, juba aastast 1970 [old description before 18.08.2018] This cache is birthday gift for Jagermeister This is multicache and the hint is near old Mustjõe oxygen factory and Mustjõe train stop. You have to follow hints to find this cache. old hint: LR239B, 1970, UTM, "Elas metsas mutionu..." (this is one Estonian song in English it will be something like "Uncle mole lived in woods"), 1970

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Ryrpgevpvgl vf rkgerzyl qnatre fvapr 1970 Ryrxgre ba uvezhm bugyvx, whon nnfgnfg 1970

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)