OOO cache / OOO aare Virtual Cache
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Located in narrow isthmus.
All this is hidden in a narrow isthmus.
We used a small rubber boat to go there. You can also swim there (800 meters), but you should train before.
To log this cache as found, take a photo of you and your GPSr in isthmus and add it to your logging.
aare ühes küllalt omapärases ja ainulaadses kohas. Nimeks OOO aare.
Aare on virtuaalne selle pärast, et sinna on väga keeruline füüsilist aaret niimoodi paika panna, et see seal esimese tugevama tuule üle elaks.
Kohalejõudmiseks kasutasime väikest kummipaati ja alustasime siit: N 58° 30'49'' / E 23° 39'23''
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