Titus Mill Cache & Dash (or not?) Traditional Cache
Titus Mill Cache & Dash (or not?)
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The cache is located on Titus Mill Road, just off of Route 31, in Hopewell Township. The cache is easy to get to, but hopefully not as easy to find.
Park in the obvious location on the north side of the road. The cache is not far from the road. The cache only contains a log. Bring your own pencil.
This is my first cache placed. I hope you enjoy looking for it! Please don't post any photos of the cache itself.
NOTE: Please stay away from the area where the roads narrows at the culvert. There is no need to expose yourself to the dangers of the passing traffic to find this cache.
Additional Hints
Ybbx sbe jung vf qvssrerag jvguva gra srrg bs gur pheo.