The Plan: I'll be quietly leaving the car park at Wasdale
Head (75m above mean sea level) at 11.30pm (June 30th) and intend
to enjoy a steady climb suitable for non-Action Man types to the
top (978m) via the Lingmell route. Although the event is at the
top, not the climb, you'd be welcome to join us.
The Event: To officially make this the highest
cache/event in England, it'd be nice to get you up on the trig
point itself. Sitting or standing... Once everyone expected to
attend has arrived, or at 3.00am if that's sooner, we'll find a
sheltered spot to talk caching and swap coins and TBs by torchlight
to ensure this unusual event complies with Groundspeak event
listing requirements. There's also a Virtual Cache, a couple of
physicals and a rare moving virtual (ye ole survey monuments- the
trig -I think) at or close to the top, but this event isn't about
finding them, it's about saying 'you made it!' :)
There's a thread about this event on the UK forum
There are three other 'extreme' events around the same time;
Two in Scotland:
GC19G7E Britain's Third Most Remote Event Cache (Unst) and
GC1EQ1C Ben Nevis Vertical Limit Extreme Geocache Event plus
GC1PRQ0 Snowdon Vertical Limit Extreme Geocache Event in
More information to follow so please add this event to your
watch list.