6 Miles of Hiking. The 12 Days of Cachemas. Traditional Cache
JAMM: Picked up the cache today in anticipation of Cachemas 2006. Thanks for everyone who followed the adventure.
6 Miles of Hiking. The 12 Days of Cachemas.
Size:  (micro)
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In Seth Lowe Pierrepont State Park.
On the Sixth Day of Cachemas
Pofe released to me,
6 Miles of Hiking
5 AMMO Cans
4 Travel Bugs
3 Film Cans
2 Caching Doves
and a Micro in a Dead Tree.
Well maybe more like 6 yards of hiking but if you want there is more than enough hiking here for you. No rocks need to be moved to find the cache. The cache is a camo'd match stick container.
This is the Sixth in the series of caches celebrating “The Twelve Days of CACHEMAS”. For each of the 12 days a new cache is released. In addition to the winter friendly fun each cache contains a clue to the coordinates for a final prize cache where we have placed a special gift for you. All the caches in this series are snow friendly and family oriented with terrain and difficulty no more than 2 (or at least a descent spoiler clue for the harder ones). We hope you have as much fun as we did putting this together.
Additional Hints
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