Carol I al Romaniei.
Statuia Regelui Carol I din Bucuresti se gasește in Piata Revolutiei, intre Palatul Regal, ce gazduieste in prezent Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei, si Palatul Fundatiei Universitare Carol I. Statuia din bronz are o greutate de 13 tone si o inaltime totala de 13 metri, din care 7 metri statuia propriu-zisa și 6 metri soclul.
Carol s-a nascut in Principatul Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen ca Prinț Karl von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen. In anul 1866, cand Bratianu i-a oferit coroana Romaniei lui Carol, acesta se afla la Coburg, In calitate de capitan In Regimentul 1 dragoni din garda si avea reputatia unui ofiter distins.
Proclamat domnitor al Romaniei in ziua de 10 mai 1866, ramane cu acest titlu pana in 14 martie 1881, cand Parlamentul il proclama în unanimitate pe Carol I, ca Rege al Romniei, devenind astfel primul rege al Romaniei. In timpul domniei sale, tara a obținut independența deplina fata de Imperiul Otoman, dupa un razboi efectiv intens, modern și foarte eficace.
In cei 48 de ani de domnie (cea mai lunga din istoria statelor romanesti), Carol I a obținut independența tarii, datorita careia i-a și crescut imens prestigiul, a redresat economia, a dotat Romania cu o serie de institutii specifice statului modern:
- In 1869 se inaugureaza oficial linia de cale ferata Bucuresti-Giurgiu, respectiv prima gara a Bucurestilor, Gara Filaret.
- In 1871 se inaugureaza Uzina de gaz aerian de la Filaret.
- In 1872 se infiinteaza Gara de Nord din Bucuresti (numita, pana in anul 1888, “Gara Targovistii“).
- Incepe activitatea Atelierelor Cailor Ferate din Bucuresti.
- In 1872 este introdus tramvaiul cu cai.
- Se infiinteaza Fabrica de ulei vegetal din Bucuresti.
- In 1875 işi incepe activitatea “Banca de Bucuresti“.
- In 1897 se incepe construirea Palatului “Casei de Depuneri, Consemnaţiuni şi Economie” (C.E.C), care este inaugurt in anul 1900.
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Carol the 1st of Romania
The statue of King Carol the 1st in Bucharest is located in the Revolution Square, between the Royal Palace, now hosting the National Art Museum of Romania and the Palace of the University Carol the 1st. The bronze statue has a weight of 13 tons and a total height of 13 meters, of which 7 meters statue itself and 6 meters basement.
Carol was born in the Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen as Prince Karl von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen. In 1866, when Bratianu offered Carol Romania’s crown, he was in Coburg, as Captain in the 1st Regiment of Dragons Guard and he was reputed by a distinguished officer.
Proclaimed ruler of Romania on May 10, 1866, remains with this title until March 14, 1881, when the Parliament unanimously proclaimed Carol the 1st as King of Romania, thus becoming the first king of Romania. During his reign, the country gained full independence from the Ottoman Empire after a very intense, modern, and very effective war.
In the 48 years of his reign (the longest in the history of the Romanian states), Carol the 1st obtained the independence of the country, thanks to which he greatly increased his prestige, redressed the economy, endowed Romania with a number of institutions specific to the modern state:
- In 1869 the Bucharest-Giurgiu railway line is officially inaugurated, the first railway station in Bucharest, the Filaret railway station.
- In 1871, the Filaret Air Gas Plant was inaugurated.
- In 1872, the North Railway Station in Bucharest (called, until 1888, "Targoviste Railway Station") was established.
- Starts the activity of the Railway Workshops in Bucharest.
- In 1872 is introduced the tram with horses.
- Establish the Vegetable Oil Factory in Bucharest.
- In 1875 the activity of "Bank of Bucharest".
- In 1897 the building of the "House of Deposits, Consignments and Economics" (C.E.C) Palace, which is inaugurated in 1900.
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