CZ: Dominantou mesta s 5000 obyvatel,
leziciho 40km JZ od Plzne, je statni zamek zalozeny prazskym
biskupem jiz v roce 1258 jako goticka falc. Po pozaru v roce 1547
byl prestaven ve stylu italske renesance. Zamecky park o rozloze
40ha skryva vzacne dreviny, ale i barokni sypku, renesancni dum,
micovnu, osmiboky barokni pavilon a vyhlidkovou vez. Jedine co
prinese navstevnikovi trochu rozcarovani je rozdeleni prohlidky,
zrejmne v zajmu zvyseni vydelku, az na 6 samostatnych
Ale i samotne mesto rozlozene na obou brezich Radbuzy, ktere se
stalo jednou z nasich prvnich mestskych pamatkovych rezervaci, ma
co nabidnout. Primo pred zamkem na hlavnim namesti Republiky
komplex gotickych domu s pristavenymi stity ve stylu lidoveho
baroka, zvonici, pozdne gotickou, renesancne prestavenou radnici a
kostel sv Petra a Pavla s vyhlidkovou, o prazdninach otevrenou
vezi. Dale ve meste 2 dalsi kostely s cennou vnitrni vyzdobou a
byvaly kapucinsky klaster s rodinnou hrobkou Trauttmansdorffu. A
nekolik pouzitelnych restauraci.
S mesteckem je spojena i rada osobnosti z nasich dejin, zejmena
pak 1.prazsky arcibiskup Arnost z Pardubic (1297-1364), 1.cesky
cirkevni reformator Jan Milic z Kromerize (1320-1374) a 1.slovensky
pisici basnik Jan Sylvan (1493-1573). Ma i sve relativne slavne
rodaky jako je Felix Kadlinsky (1613-1675), vlastenecky jezuita
typu, nikoliv vsak bohuzel proslulosti B. Balbina a predevsim Josef
Jan Littrow (1781-1840), matematik a astronom svetoveho vyznamu,
postupne reditel nekolika evropskych hvezdaren, ale rovnez i ucitel
prosluleho ruskeho matematika N.I.Lobacevskeho, spolutvurce
konceptu neeukleidovskych geometrii.
ENG: The dominating feature of the city, 40 km south-west
from Pilsen with 5 000 inhabitants, represents the state owned
castle founded by the Prague bishop in 1258 as a gothic palatium.
After a fire in 1547 the castle was reconstructed in the style of
Italian Renaissance. In the park with the area of 40 hectares one
can find precious trees, baroque granary, house in the style of
Renaissance, ballroom, pavilion in the style of baroque with eight
sides and the sightseeing tower. The only disillusion the visitor
will feel is the fact that the excursion is divided into 6 separate
circles, probably with the reason to gain higher profit.
Also the city itself being situated on the both sides of the
river Radbuza, which became one of our first city historical
reservations can offer a lot of interesting things. On the main
square Namestí Republiky located just in front of the castle one
can find the complex of the gothic houses with the gables
constructed in the popular baroque style, belfry, the city hall
built in the late gothic style and reconstructed in the style of
Renaissance , the St. Peter and St. Paul church and the sightseeing
tower that is open during the summer holidays. Downtown we can find
the other two churches with precious internal decorations, the
former Capuchin Monastery with the family crypt of Trauttmansdorff.
And several restaurants that can be used.
There are several historical personalities connected with the
city. Mainly the first archbishop Arnost from Pardubice
(1297-1364), the first Czech reformer Jan Milic from Kromeriz
(1320-1374) and the first poet writing in Slovak language Jan
Sylvan (1493-1537). Several important personalities were born in
the city, e.g. Felix Kadlinsky (1613-1675), the patriotic Jesuit
and mainly Josef Jan Littrow (1781-1840), mathematician and
astronomer of worldwide significance who was the director of
several European observatories and who was the teacher of the
famous Russian mathematician N. I. Lobacevski, who was the coauthor
of the concept of the noneukleidian geometry.
CZ: Cache je ukryta v zameckem parku, ktery je pristupny
geocacherovym choutkam celorocne v kteroukoliv denni i nocni
hodinu, protoze pres nej vede zlute znacena turisticka steska. O
pulnoci zde ovsem pravdepodobne strasi.
ENG: Cache is hidden in the park of the castle, that is
accessible to geocacherist whims for the whole year at any time of
the day or night, because there is the yellow tourist line going
through. But no one knows whether the park is not haunted in