Bucks - Playwicki - Cache to Eagle # 2 Multi-Cache
Bucks - Playwicki - Cache to Eagle # 2
Size:  (small)
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Troop 29's Second Geocache! Placed on 10/28/2012 by scouts from the 2012 Geocaching Merit Badge Class, who've been working on their badges since July.
Welcome to a Troop 29 Newtown geocache, being placed as part of the Cache to Eagle project. The purpose of these geocaches is to highlight some of the community service projects which have been completed by some of the boy scouts from our troop, as well as from neighboring troops in our district. Specifically, it is to highlight projects completed by scouts trying to earn scouting's highest award, the Eagle Scout badge. Located nearby this cache, you will find a completed Eagle Scout Project. Please check it out, as our scouts and volunteers have put a considerable amount of time and effort into the planning and completion of these community service projects. Please note that the caches may not be hidden at the exact location of the project, but will be close by. We are scouts from Troop 29, Newtown, PA, part of the Bucks County Council, Playwicki District, Boy Scouts of America. This geocache is being placed near Pickering Manor (a senior living community) and Pickering Fields, so please be respectful of this area when searching for this cache. Contains a log, a pencil and some small trade items. A Troop 29 Eagle Scout project was completed at this location in August 2012, where a patio, stone wall and flag pole have been installed. When at this location, you will be within sight of the actual hiding place, and your geosense should guide you right to it. For more information, check out scouting.org or geoscouting.com or troop29newtown.com We hope you enjoy this cache, and will continue on to find the others in our series. Thank You.
Additional Hints
Qba'g "znxr yvxr n ----" hagvy lbh'ir sbhaq guvf pnpur!