Radobyl – prirodni pamatka
Osamely cedicovy vrch 399 m. n. m. Je zde zajimavy, tezbou odkryty severojizni rez vulkanickym telesem s dobre vyvinutou sloupcovitou odlucnosti cedicove horniny pri usporadaní sloupcu v ruznych smerech. Zbytek vulkanickeho telesa Radobylu, tvoreny slozenym vylevem cedice, tlaci zvetralinovym plastem na okolni kridove usazeniny. Cely jizni svah pod kopcem smerem k Zalhosticim je postizen cetnymi aktivnimi i docasne zklidnenymi sesuvy. Pri jednom z nich doslo k vytvoreni pukliny a podle ni i k poklesu jizni casti masivu kopce. Na pukline je vytvorena pseudokrasova jeskyne pres 10 m dlouha.
Lom je nejlepe pristupny po zlute znacce ze sedla pod Radobylem
Vasim ukolem je odpovedet na nasledujíci otazky a (dobrovolne) se vyfotografovat na vychozich souradnicich, v pozadi s byvalym lomem.
Fotografie prilozte k logu a odpovedi na otazky zaslete na email :
1. Ve kterem roce byla sloucena puvodni dve chranena uzemi.
2. Nadmorska vyska na vychozich souradnicich.
3. Jaka je rozloha teto prírodni pamatky.
Muzete logovat hned po zaslani odpovedi
Radobyl – natural monument
A solitary basalt hill at altitude 399 m above the sea level. There is an interesting, north-southern cut through volcanic solid uncovered by mining with well developed columnar cleat of basalt stone, the columns are formed in different directions. The rest of the volcanic solid of Radobyl, made of composed basalt outpour presses with its soil mantle on surrounding chalk sediments. The whole southern slope under the hill in the direction to Zalhostice is affected by frequent active and temporarily modulated slides. During one of them a crack was created and the southern part of the massif was downcast alongside. On the crack there is a pseudo-solution cavity over 10 metres long.
Your task is to answer the following questions and (voluntary) take a picture of yourself at home coordinates with the former mine in the background.
Attach the photographs to the logo and send the answers to the question to e-mail address: Radobyl-Earth@email.cz
1. What year were the originally two protected areas merged?
2. What is the altitude of the home coordinates?
3. How big is the total area of this natural monument?
You can log this cache just after sending the answers