The posted coordinates are for the State Capitol in Bismarck.
The cache is some distance away from these coordinates. In addition
you will need to travel throughout the state to complete this
cache. To claim a find fifty-six other caches must first be
The terrain rating and the attributes are for the final cache
location. The final was hidden by Dakota Cachers!
A DeLorme Challenge cache is a cache requiring the seeker to
find other caches across an area or a state. In this case the state
of North Dakota.
In 2004, Haicoole created the first of these types of caches,
the California DeLorme Challenge cache. Since then this type of
cache has been duplicate all across the country.
The DeLorme Atlases have been published for all 50 states and
are widely available. The map below is taken from the North Dakota
DeLorme Atlas and Gazetteer.
The final coordinates for this cache will not be given until the
cacher has found a cache on each page of the Atlas.
Please see the “Additional Logging Requirements” below for more
Additional Logging
- All guidelines for finding a cache apply to all
finds for this challenge. All caches claimed toward this challenge
must be listed on You must have physically found
each cache and signed the log therein. You may use caches found
before the publication of this challenge to include archived caches
as long as they meet all other requirements.
- All cache types, with the exception of events, CITO and
locationless caches will count as finds for this DeLorme Challenge.
Temporary event caches and "moving caches" will not count as
- The posted coordinates for each cache will be used to determin
in which state or on which page a particular cache is located. Only
caches in North Dakota will be eligible. For the pages that include
areas not located in North Dakota, only that portion that is within
North Dakota will be considered. For multi and puzzle caches the
posted coordinates will be used to determine the location of the
cache no matter where the final point is.
- The location of the page boundaries will be determined based on
2005 Second Edition printing of the atlas. The image above shows
the page divisions for that edition. **NOTE -- Page 53 does not
appear on the image above but is required to complete the
- Only those who have fulfilled ALL the additional logging
requirements for this cache will be allowed to log it as a find.
All other find logs will be
***As of 16/June/2008 there were no caches hidden on
pages 38 or 54 of the atlas. Until a cache is hidden on these pages
they will be exempt from the challenge. After the first cache has
been hidden, all other claims must include a find on that cache or
other subsequently hidden caches. The challenge will be modified
when a cache is hidden on these pages***
As of 04/July/08 there are chaces on every page
Taking the Challenge?
The best way to take the challenge is to create a
shared bookmark list of the caches that you
will claim as eligible finds. Then post a note to this cache page
to alert us that you've completed all the pages. Be sure to include
a link to your bookmark list. This is the best way to share cache
information in a manner that's consistent with Groundspeak's
terms of
use for pocket queries. For non premium members, or for anyone
having difficulty with managing a bookmark list we will accept a
simple list of the caches completed. Please include the GC# for
each cache on such a list.
Your list will be check to insure that all the finds meet the
above stated requirements. Please allow up to one week for this.
All claims will be examined in the order received.
Once the finds have been verified you will be sent an e-mail
with the coordinates for the final cache. The find cannot be logged
until the physical container is found and the logbook inside is
If you wish to take the challenge, please post a note on this
page. Also please make your bookmarks for the challenge public and
shared. That way other geocachers can see how you are doing. Make
sure you include this cache page in your bookmark so that it will
be seen here.
Good luck and Happy
Many thanks go out to Haicoole for the original idea for this
cache and to the owners of other DeLorme Challenge caches,
especially The Pennsylvania DeLorme Challenge version, from which
we have borrowed very liberally.
Cachers who have
The North Dakota DeLorme Challenge:
- 4weiands
- blue_heron74
- Buck Buck Chickin
- cnn&son
- Former Hawkeye
- honeybee77
- NoDakGEOdogs
- nurse_cowgirl4ever
- Phat Kurle
- remmec
- Totem Clan
Cachers who have
The North Dakota DeLorme Challenge:
- FTF: MinotRanger
- dakotagray
- lofmam
- donvil
- gnies
Another Quality Clan

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