In my younger, youthful days we would buy an ample supply of beer...errr root beer using money from the cans of the previous nights escapades and money from searching the sofa and under the car seats.
We would play a game where we would draw straws and the person with the short straw would become the Hunt Master or the Hunting Guide and set up the hunt. Essentially that person would open the case of beer...errr root beer and shake the heck out of each beer...errr root beer except for one. Then all the liquid beverages would be put back into the case or box. Then the rest of us being the Beer...errr Root Beer Hunters would hunt for the golden can of non pressurized liquid. Each person, one by one, would select a beverage from the container put it directly in front of their face and open it. They would then more often than not be greeted by a powerful back pressure of frothy liquid seeking escape from the slightest crack.
Many a night we actually wore more beer...errr root beer then we drank until one morning after a particularly heavy night of beer...errr root beer hunting we had an epiphany of how much money we would save if we gave up the Hunt. Money in laundry soap, carpet and furniture cleaning from the excess liquid spraying all over. However after a moment of clarity and sheer genius we concluded we could still partake in the Hunt and still save not washing the clothes as often and cutting back on the carpet/furniture cleaning.
So for this cache hunt I am the Hunt Master and you are the beer...errr root beer hunter. Good luck and rain gear is optional