This two-stage multi-cache is located in Ramsey Hunt Sanctuary. Here's a trail map for your reference. Parking is available off North Salem Road at N 41 16.485 W 073 39.024. Dogs are allowed but no bikes.
Both stages may be found just off the Blue Trail so there is no need to bushwack, o my brothers. Expect to be feeling a bit shagged and fagged and fashed, this being a hike of some small energy expenditure. If you can't make up your rassoodocks which way to go when the trail forks, clockwise is rightways.
The first stage is a small, camoflaged Rubbermaid container that holds the coordinates to the final stage. The second and final stage is a 50 cal ammo can. Please rehide both stages as you found them, if not better.
This is a theme/experiment cache. The cache is stocked with balls, spherical and otherwise. None of the balls have ever been used although some were taken out of their packaging or sleeves in order to make room in the cache. When launched the following balls were present and accounted for in the cache: golf balls (regular and practice), ping pong balls, a small football, hackeysack, tennis balls, baseballs (regular and Wiffle), softballs (regular and practice), a stickball ball (Spaldeen brand of course), basketballs (after a fashion) and an all purpose "Hi-Bounce" ball. If you trade, please bring a ball, preferably a (new) ball for a sport that has not yet been represented (e.g., racketball, handball, paddleball, lacrosse, squash, billiards, etc.). Let's see how many visits it takes until the cache is full of used golf balls.
Transients are welcome, be they Where's George? dollars, Travel Bugs, Geocoins, other travellers and/or signature items of fellow geocachers. Otherwise, bolshy great yarblockos only, please.
Kudos to freight_train, wesi and B2Pi for their inspired Nadsat in their logs of February 20, 2005, September 14, 2014 and December 31, 2015, respectively!

Free counters provided by Andale.