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Povetrnak Traditional Cache

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Tobias Reviewer: Archivace listingu keše.

[b]Tobias Reviewer, Reviewer pro ČR[/b]

Hidden : 4/14/2008
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Geocache Description:

Bruspersky vetrny mlyn

pochazi z 19. stoleti, postaven byl v casove blize neurcitelnem obdobi pred rokem 1880. O presne dobe zalozeni ani jeho historickych osudech do obdobi druhe svetove valky nejsou znamy zadné blizsi skutecnosti. Podrobnejsi zpravy se vztahuji teprve k mlynari Viktoru Ledenickemu, ktery v cervenci 1940 odmontoval ze sveho „povetrnaku“ jiz silne chatrna kridla a odstranil stare mleci zarizeni. Na jednom tramu udajne tehdy objevil vyryty letopocet 1782, coz vsak nemusi souviset se zalozenim mlyna – casti mlecich mechanismu se zcela bezne rozebiraly, prodavaly a stehovaly (napr. pri zaniku mlyna). Viktor Ledenicky pote zakoupil nove valcové slozeni na elektricky pohon a na podzim roku 1941 zacal srotovat. Kratce nato vsak okupacni sprava cinnost vsech vetrnych mlynu na uzemi protektoratu uredne zastavila. Mlynar se vsak nenechal zakazem odradit, mlel a srotoval nacerno dal tajne po nocich. Za tuto cinnost hrozil tezky trest, mnohem nebezpecnejsi ovsem bylo zapojení Viktora Ledenického do odbojové skupiny Mafie ......

[EN] Brushperk's windmill
It comes from 19th century. It was built in an undeterminable time before 1880. We don't know the exact time of his establishment and historical fate until the period of the 2. world war. Detailed information refers to miller Viktor Lednický, who in july 1940 removed from his windmill old flimsy wings and cleared away old milling equipment. On one timber he reputedly finds an inscription note from 1782, although it could'not be connected to date of establishment. Viktor Lednický afterwards built new components for electric drive and in the autumn of 1941 he started to rough-grind. Shortly after, occupation directors stopped activity of every windmills on the region of Protectorate. Miller didn't stop his activity - milled and rough-grinded secretly at night. There was a danger that penalized this activity, but much danger was connected to Viktor Lednický of the resistance group called Mafie....

Více informací na webu ※ větrné mlýny v českých zemích ※ a informačního centra města Brušperku

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