Massachusetts' First 173 Caches
It recently occurred to me that some of the best caches I was finding as of late were also some of the oldest. So I set out to make a list of the first 100 caches that were placed in the state, including those that have since been archived. What evolved was what you see here now: the first 173 caches placed in Massachusetts, in order. Why 173? Because that's how many caches were placed in the state as of Dec. 31st 2001. Of all those, 103 are still active (as of 7/21/06). So the end of 2001 seemed like a good place to stop. I've made comments on the caches I have found thus far. All others are adventures for a later day! If you'd like, you can view a more comprehensive (and frequently updated) list [url=]here[/url]. Enjoy!
Clan Delaney
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