A Challenge: Seahawks -- Appetizers? Have a Chip! GC5ANMJ
This is a challenge cache. The cache is at the posted coordinates. To qualify for this challenge, you must find 24 specific caches. REQUIREMENTS: - Find 24 caches (The 12th Man enjoys second helpings) with a tailgate-type food or appetizer in the title (i.e. chili, soup, stew, bratwurst, hamburger, pork, hotdog, chicken, ribs, burger, nuggets, chips, nachos, dip, pretzels, pizza, shrimp, steak, crab, fish, tacos, sandwiches, wraps, sliders, skewers, wings, bacon, cheese, egg, fruit, muffins, vegetables, cupcakes, cookies, etc). - Only actual foods qualify; no beverages! - Punctuation before or after the word(s) is acceptable. - Previous finds are acceptable, including archived caches. There is no date restriction. - Only physical caches (Traditional, Multi, Letterbox Hybrid, and Mystery) may be used for this challenge. No event, virtuals, or web cam caches! - You may not own any of the caches. - Caches are not restricted to Washington State.
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