Prvih devet slova glagoljske azbuke čine akrostih koji u slobodnom prijevodu znači:
Ja, koji poznajem slova, govorim da je vrlo dobro živjeti na zemlji.
First nine letters of Glagolitic alphabet make an acrostic which loosely translated means:
I, who know the letters, say that it is very good to live on Earth.
Glagoljica je staroslavensko pismo kojim je pisao sav slavenski svijet od 9. do 12. stoljeća. O njezinu postanku postoje brojne teorije, ali prevladava uvjerenje da ju je sastavio Konstantin Filozof kao pismo slavenskog prijevoda grčkih liturgijskih tekstova, za potrebe širenja kršćanstva među Slavenima.
Glagoljica se najduže zadržala među Hrvatima, koji su se njome aktivno služili sve do 16. stoljeća, a razvili su i vlastitu inačicu – uglatu ili hrvatsku glagoljicu. Posljednji hrvatski glagoljski misal otisnut je 1905. godine.
Glagolitsa is an old Slavonic alphabet used by all Slavs from the 9th until the 12th century. There are many theories about its origin but it is generally agreed to have been devised by Constantine the Philosopher as an alphabet used for Slavonic translations of Greek liturgical texts, for the purpose of spreading Christianity among the Slavs.
Glagolitsa was preserved for the longest time by the Croats, who used it actively up until the 16th century. They also developed their own variant – square or Croatian Glagolitic script. The last Croatian Glagolitic book (Missal) was printed in 1905.
Glagoljica danas nastavlja živjeti u našim računalima. Glagoljski Unicode block možete pronaći između U+2C00 i U+2C5F.
Today, the Glagolitic script still lives in our computers: you can find the Glagolitic Unicode block from U+2C00 and U+2C5F.
Bašćanska ploča, nastala oko 1100. godine na otoku Krku, jedan je od najvažnijih hrvatskih spomenika na glagoljici. Na njoj je u 13 redaka uklesan natpis koji govori o tome da je „kralj hrvatski“ Zvonimir darovao zemlju za gradnju crkve, što je najstariji poznati spomen Hrvata na hrvatskom jeziku. Prvotno je činila dio pregrade blizu oltara, a potom je stoljećima bila dio crkvenoga poda, zbog čega je dosta oštećena.
Od 1934. godine Bašćanska ploča čuva se u Zagrebu. Danas se nalazi u veličanstvenom atriju Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Dostupna je za posjet bez naplate i najave, radnim danom od 8 do 16, a subotom i nedjeljom od 10 do 13 sati. Dopušteno je i fotografiranje.
The Baška tablet, dating from c. 1100 on the island of Krk, is one of the most important Croatian monument written in the Glagolitic script. It contains 13 lines of the inscription which record that “Croatian king” Zvonimir donated a piece of land for the construction of a church, which is the oldest mention of Croats in the Croatian language. Originally it was part of the altar rail but later it spent centuries placed on the church floor, which is why it is quite damaged.
From 1934, the Baška tablet is kept in Zagreb. Today it is located in the magnificent atrium of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. You can visit it free of charge and without prior announcement, on weekdays from 8 to 16, and on Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 13. Photography is allowed.
Ako se želite zabaviti, a nas razveseliti, uzmite papir i olovku, odnosno nešto slično: kamenu, glinenu ili drvenu ploču, pergament, šilo, guščje pero, mobitel, lasere…, napišite (uklešite, urežite…) svoje korisničko ime glagoljičkim slovima (Q=K, W=V, X=H, Y=J) i s tim se natpisom fotografirajte ispred Bašćanske ploče ili ispred zgrade HAZU. Inače, fotolog s vašim GPS uređajem ispred Bašćanske ploče bit će dovoljan.
Cache možete logirati odmah, a sliku možete postaviti u log, poslati nam porukom ili e-mailom.
If you wanna have fun, and make us happy, take a paper and pencil, or something similar: stone, clay or wooden plate, parchment, awl, goose quill, mobile phone, lasers…, write (engrave, carve…) your username in glagolitic letters (Q=K, W=V, X=H, Y=J) and take a photo with this inscription in front of the Baška tablet or in front of the building. Otherwise, a photolog with your GPS device in front of the Baška tablet will suffice.
You can log the cache immediately and place the photograph in the log, or send it to us via message or e-mail.
Happy geocaching!
Virtual Reward - 2017/2018
This Virtual Cache is part of a limited release of Virtuals created between August 24, 2017 and August 24, 2018. Only 4,000 cache owners were given the opportunity to hide a Virtual Cache. Learn more about Virtual Rewards on the Geocaching Blog.