Do Not Find This Cache! Traditional Cache
Size:  (micro)
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Log-only nano cache.
Do you have a problem with geocaching? Only you can answer that question for yourself. However, taking the following quiz may help to put your relationship to geocaching in perspective for you. If you end up answering "yes" to three or more questions, you may want to take a good look how your life is affected by geocaching.
Have you missed classes or work because of geocaching?
Do you have trouble refusing geocaching?
Do you need geocaching in order to have fun at a party?
Do you use geocaching to build up your self-confidence?
Do you use geocaching to help you relax?
Have you tried to give up geocaching and failed?
Do you crave geocaching as soon as you wake up?
Do you get into trouble because of geocaching?
Do you crave geocaching at a definite time daily?
Do you lie to others about how often you partake in geocaching?
Have you gotten into financial difficulties because of geocaching?
Do you often wish people would just mind their own business about you and geocaching?
Do you check web site more than once a day?
Can you drive past a Dollar Store without thinking about geocaching?
Has your GPSr ever been confiscated "for your own good"?
We're here to help. This cache is a test to see how addicted to geocaching you really are.
Your goal is to not find this cache.
We all know that there are those among us (and you know who you are!) who, when they look at the page showing their 25 nearest caches, see nothing but a perfect page full of finds. Then that new cache comes along and spoils your pristine page. It sits there at the top of the list. Taunting you. Staring at you like a giant unblinking eye.
It calls out to you. "Fiiiind meeee..." You comply, even though the sun is barely peeking over the horizon.
If you're lucky, you score a First Find, and then race back to log it in and remove it from your top 25 list.
Ahhhhh. Order again.
The question is, how strong are you? Can you resist searching out this cache? You have nothing substantive to gain from finding it.
There is no invigorating hike.
There are no breathtaking views.
There are no cool first finder tokens to find or other cool pieces of cache swag to trade for. In fact, the cache contains nothing but a logbook.
The cache is hidden in a rather boring, non-imaginative way.
This idea isn't even original. Even the text is blatantly stolen from several similar ones.
The only thing you have to gain from searching out this cache is just adding another find to your total.
Show the world how strong you are. You can stop geocaching anytime you want. Really you can...
"Fiiiind meeee..."
My sympathies to markta for being FTF. He is an obvious addict and needs help.
Additional Hints
Vg'f onq rabhtu gung lbh'er ybbxvat sbe guvf. Qb lbh guvax V'z tbvat gb or erfcbafvoyr sbe urycvat nybat lbhe nqqvpgvba ol npghnyyl cebivqvat n uvag?