Blueberry Soup Traditional Cache
Size:  (small)
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This is #3 of 7 in the "SOUP FOR LUNCH" series of caches. This cache is located on Bog Road - there is a gravel pull-off along the side of the road.
The "Soup for Lunch" series were designed to get you out of the office at lunchtime so you can take a nice walk through the woods and find a geocache. Each container is a small soup thermos that is the color of the cache name and is well camoflaged. This cache is located just off a public hiking trail near the Cranberry Bog. There is enough room for about 3 cars in the gravel pulloff area along the side of the road. Take the trail to the left of the wooden trail information signboard.
You might want to take a pen/pencil with you to sign the log.
Thank you to Cerberus1 for providing the cache containers.
Additional Hints
Abg sne sebz 10.