Edit 17.10.2011 - POZOR Oteviraci doba!!! V pondeli je
zavreno a klic k rozhledne vam nikdo nepujci. Na vetsine webovych
stranek se ale uvadi, ze je otevreno 7 dni v tydnu. :(. Diky
Zememeric_K za upozorneni.
[CZ] Korab je nazev nejvyssiho bodu Chudenicke vrchoviny.
V jeho clenitem okoli jsou cetne vrcholy se smisenymi nebo
listnatymi lesy.
Na vrcholu se nachazi chata s rozhlednou, ktera Vas za narocne
stoupani odmeni vyhledem na zdejsi okoli. Je videt panorama Sumavy,
Ceskeho lesa s Cerchovem, Vserubsky prusmyk, Domazlice, za
idealnich podminek i Primda a za nemeckymi hranicemi pak Hoher
Bogen. Vrchol veze, kde je nainstalovana technika radiokomunikaci
dosahuje 50m nad zemi.
Korab je pristupny po nekolika dobre znacenych turistickych
cestach. Ze Kdyne vede zluta turisticka
cesta. Po asfaltove komunikaci se pohodlne dostanete az pred
samotnou chatu s rozhlednou. POZOR! Nenechte se zmast dopravni
znackou "Zakaz vjezdu vsech motorovych vozidel", pro navstevniky
Korabu neplati.
[EN] Korab is the highest point's name of Chudenicka
vrchovina (Chudenice uplands). In its environs there are many
hilltops with mixed and deciduous forests.
At the top there are hut and look-out tower, which reward you
for difficult climbing with great panorama. You can see Sumava
mountains, Czech Forest with Cerchov, Vserubsky prusmyk, Domazlice,
with excellent weather also Primda and behind German border Hoher
Bogen. The top of the look-out tower, where radiocommunication
technika is installed, is 50m tall.
Korab is accessible by good marked touristic tracks. From Kdyne
leads yellow touristic track. By the
road you can easy get to hut and look-out tower. ATTENTION! Don't
be confused by traffic sign "Driving ban for all motor vehicles",
it doesn't intend for Korab's visitors.
[CZ] Na uvedenych souradnicich cache nehledejte!
Uvedene souradnice vas dovedou k chate pod rozhlenou, kde
zjistete nasledujici informace:
- Nadmorska vyska (nv) mista "Korab (chata KCT)"?
- Cislo popisne (cp) na rozhledne?
Cache pak naleznete na souradnicich:
N 49° 23,(nv -
E 013° 04,(cp - 102)'
[EN] Don't seek the cache on the mentioned
Mentioned coordinates guide you to hut under the look-out tower,
where you find out the following information:
- "Korab (chata KCT)" altitude (nv)?
- House number (cp) on look-out tower?
The final coordinates of cache are:
N 49° 23,(nv -
E 013° 04,(cp - 102)'