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Howler II : Night Cache Mystery Cache

Hidden : 8/25/2006
3 out of 5
4 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Wolves kill. They tear the flesh of other animals, often much larger than themselves. They rip apart and eat the bloody carcass. They hunt and feed in packs. Their howls dominate the uncivilized night. We fear wolves. They are powerful enough to kill and eat us. European folk tradition is vivid in recounting tales of, wolves attacking humans, American wolves have been involved in documented attacks on cattle and other livestock.


Rather, they are the start of your nighttime adventure. Wait until it is dark enough to begin the hunt. This cache will only be possible when it is dark. At night, it should be fairly easy and a lot of fun. The difficulty rating reflects the final area, and the special equipment you need.

For this cache, you need to bring a flashlight. You need a “good” flashlight, not a keyring LED or a single AA-cell Mag-light. If possible, you’d like it to project a beam out to 100 feet, though we’ve tried to place the markers closer together. You should also bring a friend with a flashlight. First, they provide you with a backup light in case yours fails. And second, it is always a good idea to have someone with you at night. They can help scare away any unwanted wildlife that might be out looking for dinner. Ideally, this friend should NOT be able to run as fast as you can.

To Find The Cache: (Please print this part out and bring it with you on the trail, follow the instructions closely).

Start: Begin at the listed coordinates, the starting point of a trail, after it is fully dark, the darker the better. Turn on your flashlight and slowly illuminate the surrounding terrain. You are looking for two small silver round reflectors that will mark the onset of your journey.

Middle: Continue to look for additional pairs of small silver round reflectors, walk towards them. Repeat the procedure, following the pairs of reflectors along the way. Watch your step, the trails have many up rooted tree roots and ruts along the trail. Also there are several forks in the trail, on a few of these forks we put reflectors in both directions to make it a little more challenging. If you run out of reflectors return back to the fork and take the other trail. I don't think we put any more than 1-2 reflectors on the diversions.

Cache: You are looking for several pairs of small silver round reflectors, they will mark where to turn into the woods where you will continue to follow the reflectors. Be careful their are many down trees and branches, as well as holes from animal dwellings.

End: The cache location is the "X" made from five small silver round reflectors.

Return: To find your way back, look for single small silver round reflectors along the way.

If your log contains any spoilers, please encrypt them so not to rune it for others.
Also please trade even or up...
There is a lottery ticket for First To Find.

Have fun, but be safe and do not feed the animals.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Srry serr gb rzoryyvfu lbhe cbfgrq ybt fgbel nobhg guvf RCVP nqiragher.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)