Pratelska / Friendly Multi-Cache
VSA: Prach jsi a v prach se obratis, lec nezoufej, budoucnost snad neni temna. Jiskricka nadeje se jmenuje "GC1B90T - Vodni nadrz Bucina"......
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[CZ] Tato mala multicache o delce 1.5km Vam umozni nahlednout do
soucasneho zivota na vesnici i v okolni prirode.
[En] With this small 1.5 km long multicache you will gain an
insight into the contemporary life of the village and around.
Pokud volite cestu kolem cedule "Zakaz vstupu soukr. pozemek"
nechte napis za zady a pokracujte par metru podel potoka.
[CZ] Na souradnicich najdete misto k zaparkovani geomotoroveho
vozidla a zaroven je tam moznost obcerstveni kazdy den po 18:00
hod. V sobotu i s makrelama!
Hledejte dva pomnicky, ktere jsou nedaleko. Zjistete letopocet za
vetou "Nakladem obce a prispenim dobrodincu ABCD" a u
druheho v kterem mesici E a roce FGHI ho venovalo sdruzeni
mladeze vojakum.
[En] The coordinates will show you the place to park your vehicle
and you can refresh yourself every day after 6pm. They do mackerels
on Saturdays!
Look for two nearby monuments. Find out the year after the sentence
"at the cost of the municipality and by the contribution of the
volunteers ABCD", and in the next one, in what month E and year
FGHI it was "granted to soldiers by the Association of Youth"
[CZ] Pokracujte na souradnice (nenechte se vyrusovat stekanim psu,
jsou to preci nasi pratele):
[En] Follow to the coordinates (don't worry about the barking of
dogs, they are men's best friends):
N 50° 07,(H+D-F)09
E 015° 53,0(A+D)0
[CZ] Zde najdete betonovy sloup a na nem
cedulku se souradnicema finalky. Pokud na vas bude
pri odecitani nekdo koukat z okna, klidne mu zamavejte - treba
prijde na kus reci ;-).
Opiste si indicie viz. nize /je treba udelat domaci ukol/ a
pokracujte po stezce. Nechodte do zakazu!
Pobliz finalniho mista je lavicka k zaslouzene relaxaci a posilneni
na dalsi cestu.
TOTO JIZ NENI NUTNE k nalezeni finalky:
Na betonovem sloupu opiste zlute dvouciferne cislo. To berte, ze je
v hexadecimalnim tvaru. Takze si ho prevedte do desitkoveho tvaru a
bude to cislo X (muze byt i viceciferne).
Dale je zde jmeno vyrobniho zavodu.
a) Priradte kazdemu pismenu cislo podle poradi v abecede a provedte
jejich soucet {Pro kontrolu Z bude mit hodnotu 26, A = 1, takze
jejich soucet bude 27}, prevedte ho do binarniho tvaru a sectete
vsechny jednicky coz bude cislo Y.
b) Priradte kazdemu pismenu cislo podle poradi v abecede a provedte
jejich soucet {Pro kontrolu Z bude mit hodnotu 26, A = 1, takze
jejich soucet bude 27}, prevedte ho do hexadecimalniho tvaru.
Pripadne pismeno v cisle ignorujte a soucet vsech arabskych cislic
bude cislo W.
Jak se cisla prevadi je srozumetelne popsano zde:
a nebo se da pouzit lepsi kalkulacka ci ta co je primo ve Windows
(musi se prepnout do vedeckeho modu), ale tim se to
[En] Here you will find a concrete pillar with a two-digit yellow
figure on it. Bear in mind that this is in the hexadecimal form.
Convert it to the decimal form and you will get the figure X (can
be of more than 1 digit). Next there is the name of the
a) assign a number to all letters by the alphabetical order and add
them up (A=1; Z=26; so the sum will equal 27), convert it to the
binary form and add all 1s, which will give you the figure Y.
b) assign a number to all letters by the alphabetical order and add
them up (A=1; Z=26; so the sum will equal 27) and convert it to the
hexadecimal form. Ignore possible letters in the figure and the sum
of all arabic numbers will give you the figure W.
[CZ] Finalni REGULAR cahce najdete na souradnicich:
N 50° 07,(H*D)(X/8)0
E 015° 5(I/2),W(E^2+G-E-B^2)Y
[En] The final REGULAR cache will be found on the following
Near the final place there is a bench for a well-deserved rest.
Refresh yourself before setting out again.
Additional Hints
[CZ] Xbhxargr fr, cb prz fyncrgr.
[En] Ybbx jung lbh ner jnyxvat ba.