Kisdon Traditional Cache
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Kisdon (G/NP-026)
This cache and other similar caches were originally for Radio
Amateurs, who are taking part in the "Summits on the Air"
programme. This activity is independent of and not an official part
of the SOTA programme. All the Summits in Britain are catalogued
and Radio Hams "activate" them by transmitting from the summits.
Radio Hams can now obtain credit for finding them as official
Geocaches. In fact all geocachers are very welcome to find them. As
they are hidden on mountain tops they will be of interest to
geocachers who are fell walkers. The cache, which is very basic,
consists of a plastic box with a logbook, pen and qsl card.
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Whfg gb gur Rnfg bs gur pnvea vf n fdher ebpx ybbx haqre vg. Ovatb!