When Team Ragar hosted the Sittin' Round; Talkin' Cache at Cyper
Pete's Cafe in February,he held a raffle. We were the lucky winners
of the Ammo can. WhooHooo!!! The can was fully loaded and ready to
go. All we had to do was find a place to hide it.
So come on out and see if you can find out where we put it. At
times there may be many muggles around, so be stealthy when you
search. Please replace exactly as you found it.
Thanks to Team Ragar for the prize!
You can find limited parking at N41 09.290 W081 50.300
This cache site was bulldozed over and it looks like there
still may be some work to be done in the spring. Placing a film
canister to keep this cache active until we see what will take
place in the spring.
Happy Hunting!