Organ Mountain Camera Cache Traditional Cache
Organ Mountain Camera Cache
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I placed this cache in the Organ Mountains since there was not one up here. The view of the valley is amazing. Keep your eyes open for wildlife, I have seen deer, coyotes, cattle and even the occasional mountain lion.
The cache container is a standard camouflaged ammo can. The cache can be reached using a four wheel drive vehicle high clearance will help or you might choose to ride a ATV, bike or horse even. I even passed several hikers along the way.
Now it is time for some instructions. I placed a disposable camera in the cache, please do not take it as a trade item. Use the camera to take a picture of yourself and your group. I will pick the camera up in a year or when it is full. I will then put the pictures on the web.
There are several caches in the area so make a day of it and come out here.
Additional Hints
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