STARGATE TB Hotel (Oporto) Traditional Cache
This cache has been locked, but it is available for viewing.
STARGATE TB Hotel (Oporto)
Please note Use of services is subject to the terms and conditions
in our disclaimer.
This is the Travel Bug Hotel, of the "Francisco Sá Carneiro"
This cache is placed near the Oporto airport to allow travellers to
share Travel Bugs quickly.
Be sure that the bugs you place and the bugs you pick are following
the best way for the goal they are intended to reach, to allow that
please fill the "Bug Target Form" inside this cache refering name,
date, and target of all the bugs you left.
Also search on the same form for the bugs that you think you may
help to reach the goal they are made for, and after retrieving
them, please log it out from the form (fill the retrieve date).
Only Travel Bugs can be traded on this box, and at least one bug
must always remain on the cache.
If you can take a while on the cache spot, you may shot one or two
interesting photos of planes taking off to post at the bug's page,
The spot is not crowded, even so, since this cache deals with very
important itens (Travel bugs) please take EXTRA CARE with muggles
while you search for it.
Besides the encrypted hint, you may also check the photo hint, I
advise you to see both, to avoid unnecessary search time.
Please be as discrete as you can, thank you.
a MAP of the location of other
caches in Portugal
Additional Hints
Ybbx sbe gur ABEGUREA pbeare arnere gr ehajnl. Gurer vf n ubyr pbirerq jvgu fgbarf naq ubcrshyyl n przrag ebhaq oybpx, ybbx vafvqr gur ubyr